CNX Invites Handlery Hotel CEO to Attend Annual Shareholder Meeting
April 24, 2023
Jon Handlery, CEO
Handlery Hotels Inc.
180 Geary Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, California 94108
Dear Jon,
We still have not heard back from you. Not a letter, email, or call regarding your shareholder proposal to CNX Resources despite numerous outreach attempts. Shareholders are not just owners, but our partners. We value the opportunity to interact directly with them to discuss our business.
As you may be aware, CNX will hold our annual shareholder meeting next week on May 4th at 10:00 a.m. EST. We adopted a virtual meeting format in recent years to enhance efficiency; however, we would like to invite you to attend this year’s event as a guest here in Pittsburgh. Given yours is the only non-routine proposal on the ballot, we believe an exception is warranted to allow you to attend in person. Most importantly, it would give us the opportunity to discuss your proposal as one shareholder to another.
In addition to your attending the meeting, we would be thrilled to schedule a day long field tour of our operations so that you can see in person how America’s critical energy needs are met by the wonderful people here in Appalachia. It is truly incredible to see firsthand the level of skill employed by our teams and the technologies we are deploying to reduce methane emissions. We believe this experience would transform the way you perceive our industry.
We encourage you to stay the evening; I will buy you dinner at one of Pittsburgh’s excellent restaurants and you can stay at one of the region’s excellent hotels. Who knows, you may enjoy it so much you may decide to open a hotel here yourself.
We look forward to your response and to helping coordinate your visit.

Nick DeIuliis